This article refers to the modern, up-to-date installation method of installing the theme locally as Hugo module. Proxy (Optional)§ If you’re located at China mainland without VPN, the Hugo module download may fail. There are two proxies for this: GOPROXY.CN and GOPROXY.IO. 1$ export...

Main Sections§ The mainSections parameter is used to filter pages, default to ["posts", "docs"]. 1mainSections = ["blog", "posts", "docs", "notes"] Front Matter§ Front Matter is the place where we put page metadata and parameters, such as title, date and so on. Formats§ Hugo supports three formats of front matter:...

This article refers to the traditional installation method of cloning the theme locally as Git submodule. While this installation method is still widely used, we recommend to install the theme as Hugo module. Create a New Site from Scratch§ 1$ git clone myblog...